User Teams allow Admins to delegate user management responsibilities to non-Admin users. These Team Leads access team member information and administrative functions from the Team Lead Dashboard.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Create a User Team
Go to People > click User Teams > click New
Team Details
In the Details tab, give this Team a Title, mark it as Published or leave it unpublished until later, and give it a Description.
Assign Users to the Team
In the Team Members and Leaders tab, assign users to this team.
Assign Team Lead Permissions
In the Team Lead Permissions tab, designate which permissions the Leaders of this Team have.
Actions include:
- Adding New Users
- Assigning Courses
- Managing Event Registrations
- Send Team Member a Message
Click Save.
Duplicate a User Team
To duplicate an existing team, click the checkmark next to the team and click Duplicate. Duplicates are marked as a (copy).