Administrators may delegate certain Admin responsibilities to Team Leads. Team Leads have some Admin permissions that allow them to add or delete Users, assign Courses, register to an Event, etc.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Team Lead Permissions tab
In User Teams > click the Team Lead Permissions tab > toggle Yes for the granted permissions.
User Management
Team Lead Permissions allow Team Leads the following actions from the Team Lead Dashboard:
- Allow Adding Users
- Allow Removing Users from Team - this doesn’t delete the user
- Allow Deleting Users from the Entire System - requires the Site Administrator User Group
Assign User Groups
Assignable User Groups - an approved list of User Groups that the Team Lead manages
User Group Instructions - provide the instructions shown when Team Leads attempt to add a User to a new Group
User Group Management
The next fields control how Team Leads can edit a team member’s user groups. These fields include:
- Assign user groups - enables team leads the ability to manage assigning a set of approved user groups to team members
- Assignable user groups - groups that are available to the Team Lead to add or remove from team members
- User group instructions - any necessary instructions shown to the Team Leads
Content Permissions
Team Leads can also assign Events and Courses to their team members. These toggles include:
- Assign events - enable team lead to assign events to team members (when assigned, the user is automatically registered for the selected event)
- Assign courses - enable team leads to create a new Course Assignment for a set of approved courses
- Assigned courses are free - the regular purchase price is waived if set to free
For the Assignable courses field, click Select Courses.
Blue Note: Team Leads must have visibility permissions to a course to assign it to team members. Leave the selector blank to enable all assignable courses.
Check different courses to make them available for assignment by the Team Lead and click Select to save the selections.
Click Save to apply the Team Lead permissions.