Learner Progress reports (built in the Report Builder) allow Admins to track course progress using Courses, Lessons, Lesson Activities, and any Certificates data points. The Learner Progress report is based on Course Progress data, so users who haven’t started a course are omitted.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Create Report
Go to Analytics > click Report Builder > click New
Give this report a Name.
In the Report type field, select Education. In the Education report type field, select Learner Progress, and select if the data in this report is filtered by User Groups.
Select which of the available Data points are included in the report.
The Learner Progress report is based on Course Progress data, so if there is no course progress, i.e. the course hasn’t been started, then it won’t show in the report.
Data Points
The following data points are available in the Learner Progress report:
- User ID (required)
- User email
- Username
- User groups
- Course category - includes Primary and Secondary categories
- Course name
- Course score - average score of quizzes contained in the course
- Course progress (percentage)
- Course due date - configured in Time schedule tab of the Course editor
- Course start date - configured in Time schedule tab of the Course editor
- Course completed date
- Course last activity date
- Lesson name
- Lesson activity name
- Lesson activity type (e.g. Video, Interactive Presentation, Submit URL, etc.)
- Lesson activity status (“Completed” or “Not completed”)
- Lesson activity time at completion - amount of time logged at the time of completion
- Lesson activity time spent - total amount of logged time (including post-completion)
- Lesson activity Score / Maximum (includes the learner’s Score out of the Maximum available)
- Archive date (Course)
There are a variety of filters available in the Learner Progress report. Without any filters, the report pulls all course progress records for all courses and users. If there are performance issues with running or exporting a report, consider one or more of the following filters.
Set if this report includes archived activity or that it only includes users from specific user groups. If no user group filters are applied, the report contains all users in the system.
Select Filter by Courses to only show progress and related data from the selected courses.
There are various date filters to narrow the data shown in the report. All three of the following filters can be used together at once.
- Course start date
- Course completion date
- Last activity date
Run Report
Click Run Report to show the report.
The report can also be shown from the Report Builder list view.