Courses are easily configurable to appear or be available to specific sets of Users. This ensures that Learners see only the content intended for them. Course Permissions allow Admins to better control a Learner’s experience.
This article outlines the following concepts:
- Course Category Permissions
- Course Permissions
- Lock Course Access
- Brand Visibility
- Course Events Permission
Course Category Permissions
In the Course Category editor, go to the Permissions tab.
Select a Visibility Permission Type (no restrictions, User Group, or Specific Users) and make the corresponding selection.
The category can also be set to only be available to users within a Specific Brand
Course Permissions
Go to Learning > click Courses > select an existing Course
In the Permissions tab, select the permission type for Purchase/Register and Visibility. Types include User Group and Specific Users.
Purchase/Register Permissions set which users can click and register for the Course.
Visibility Permission sets which users can view the thumbnail or preview for the Course.
Users with Visibility, but not Purchase/Register Permission, are able to view, but not click to access the Course. This is often used to provide a “sneak peak” and incentivize progress through a Learning Path.
Lock Course Access
Admins can Lock course access, which blocks a learner from accessing a course regardless of Permissions.
Brand Visibility
Courses may also be made visible to only a Specific Brand.
Enable a Minimum student requirement for this course. Set the number of students and a text shown until the minimum is met.
Click Save.
Course Events Permissions
When configuring Course Events in the Advanced Settings tab, ensure that the permission of the included event matches the permission of the users taking the course, otherwise, Users will not be able to register for the event.