Admins can upload Media Items to utilize as learning resources within the LMS.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Go to Content Creation > Click Media Items > click New
In the Details tab, give this media file a Title and Description.
Assign a Main and Sub Category for this item and assign a default Language.
Assign a Date when this item goes live and is archived. Leave blank to always make the item available.
Media Files
In the Media Files tab, choose the file type. Available types include:
- Video
- MP4
- YouTube
- Screencast
- Vimeo
- Audio
- Link
- Secure File Locker
- Select the file from previously uploaded secure files
Upload the Main Media File and any Cover and Thumbnail files.
Files may be chosen from the File Manager or be new file uploads.
Media Item Tags
Assign Tags to this Media Item to add searchable details when the user accesses it from a Media Page.
In the Permissions tab, designate which users can access and view this Media File.
Permissions can be set by Access Level, User Group, or Specific users.
Access Permissions set which users can click and access the Media Item.
Visibility Permission sets which users can view the thumbnail or preview for the media.
Users with Visibility, but not Access Permission will be able to view that there is an existing media file, but not click to access the media. This often provides a “sneak peak” and incentivizes progress through the learning material.
Click Save.
Media Page
Media Items are available to view by users on a Media Page, which is a navigation menu item.
Media Items shown on the page can be filtered by Media Category and File Type.
Media Item search pulls results from item titles and tags.