Tovuti Admins import eLearning Packages, e.g. SCORM, which are then added to Lessons and Courses from the Content Library tab.
This article outlines the following concepts:
- eLearning Package Compatibility
- Check SCORM Package for Compatibility
- Upload an eLearning Package
- Add an eLearning Package to a Course
- Add an eLearning Package to a Lesson
Admins may also bulk import eLearning Packages.
eLearning Package Compatibility
Tovuti accepts the following types of eLearning Packages:
- SCORM 1.2
- SCORM 2004 2nd Edition
- SCORM 2004 3rd Edition
- SCORM 2004 4th edition
xAPI (Experience API, Tin Can)
These eLearning Packagers are often saved as a .zip file.
Tovuti only supports Single SCO SCORM Packages.
Within the packages above, the following file types are supported:
- .xml
- .xsd
Packages that include unsupported file types will trigger an error message.
Below a few unsupported file types are listed. If you receive an error and don't see the following file types present in your eLearning Package, please reach out to Tovuti Support with a copy of your eLearning Package:
- .zip (this refers to .zip files WITHIN the larger SCORM file)
- .dat
- .br
Tovuti does not support the following types of eLearning Packages:
- cmi5 (a companion to xAPI)
- IMS Common Cartridge
- SCORM 1.0
- SCORM 1.1
- SCORM 2004 1st Edition
- Multiple SCO SCORM Packages
Check for single or multiple SCO compatibility
To check the compatibility of a SCORM package, open the imsmanifest.xml inside the zip file. Locate the following code structure:
If there is more than one “item” element, the package contains multiple SCOs, and therefore NOT supported in Tovuti.
Upload an eLearning Package
Go to Content Creation > click eLearning Packages > Click New
Admins may filter existing eLearning Packages by Course, Lesson, or package type.
Admins may also bulk import eLearning Packages.
In the Details tab, choose a Title and select its Published status. Click Browse to upload an E-Learning Package. The SCORM Version field is automatically populated after the upload completes.
In the Settings tab, set the Frame Height.
Select the Learner Name Format.
In User ID Value, select which value is tracked by the eLearning Package (User ID, Username, or Email Address).
If Use Expiration Reporting is enabled, provide the Custom ID and Expiration Date.
Click Save.
Add an eLearning Package to a Course
Include an uploaded eLearning Package in a Course in the Content tab of the Course editor.
Enable Use library content > select eLearning Packages for Choose library > select the eLearning Package.
When an admin archives course progress, progress for eLearning Packages is also reset.
Add an eLearning Package to a Lesson
Utilize the Content Library tab of the Lesson editor to include an eLearning Package in a Lesson.