Tovuti Admins can enable Points to be earned throughout the LMS. This helps emphasize completing certain tasks, and rewards users as they progress through learning material.
Points and Badges are the primary Gamification features that Admins use to incentivize and reward users.
Points can also validate learning, allowing Admins to support accreditation when completing courses, lessons, etc.
This article outlines the following concepts:
- Create a Point Category
- Apply Points in the LMS
- Add Points to Learner Transcripts
- Manually Edit a User's Points
- Points Reporting
Create a Point Category
Point Categories differentiate types of points in the LMS. Categories also allow Administrators to create more specific reports when collecting data on earned points.
Admins must create at least one Category to successfully award points to a learner.
Go to Learning > Click Points Categories > Click New
Give this category a Title and Category Icon.
Give this category a Description and mark if this category is Published or Unpublished.
Click Save.
Apply Points in the LMS
Once at least one Point Category is created, points can be earned by a variety of learner activities.
Courses can be enabled to award points to users on completion.
In the Advanced settings tab, enable Award points, select the Point category, and designate the amount of points.
Lessons can be enabled to award Points to users on completion.
In the Details tab of the Lesson editor, enable Award points, select the Point category, and designate the amount of points.
Checklist Items
Individual checklist items can be enabled to award Points to users on completion.
Awards can be enabled to award Points to users on completion.
In the Actions tab, select if the receipt of this award Awards points.
Points earned can be included when designing a Certificate.
Learning Paths
Learning Paths* can be configured to award points when all included courses are completed.
*Learning Paths is currently in Private Access stage and only available upon request from the Tovuti Support Team.
Add Points to Learner Transcripts
Earned points may be included in a user’s Transcript.
Manually Edit a User’s Points
Admins can manually add or subtract points from a user’s account.
Go to People > click User Manager > select a user.
In the Account Details tab, view this user’s point breakdown with a total of points in the User points section. Click Edit points.
Select a Point category to edit. Points can be Reset to zero by clicking the toggle.
Provide an Add/remove points value. Use a hyphen (-) to denote a negative number and subtract points from a user’s total.
Click Submit.
The user’s new value for the selected Point category and total are shown in the User points section. A success prompt is also displayed.
Edits to a user’s points are recorded in the Admin Actions History in the User Manager.
Points Reporting
In the Report Builder, select “Education” for Report type and “Points totals” for Education report type. This report will give you the list of all points earned, by category.
Select from the following list of data points to include:
- User ID (required)
- Display name (required)
- Username
- Email address
- Action type
- Action ID
- Action name
- Points earned
- Points category
- Date earned