Multiple Events can be created simultaneously by importing a properly configured CSV, XLS, or XLSX file. Importing Events is a great option for creating multiple Events simultaneously and quickly.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Export Template
A template import file is created by exporting an existing Event.
From the Events list view, click the checkbox of a previously created event > click the Event dropdown > click Export.
The exported template file contains the required data column names needed to ensure a successful import.
Edit Template File
Open the template file and edit the data to reflect the Events to be imported.
Each row created with the necessary Event information will create a new Event in Tovuti when imported.
Keep in mind the following tips when configuring the import file:
- For enable/disable cells such as for “Auto Check-in” utilize 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled
- Utilize a written name in the Virtual Classroom cell to dictate which virtual classroom is used for the event
- If there are multiple virtual classrooms with the same name, the import pulls the classroom that was first created
Import Events
Go to Social > click Events > click the Events dropdown > click Import
Click Choose File and select the spreadsheet file from your computer. This file should follow the template Event export.
Click Import Events.
The new Event(s) are imported and can be further edited, as needed.