While some Discussion Boards may be quick statements, others may ask the User to engage in long-form discussions.
Placing Boards into Categories allows Administrators to organize the different experiences.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Create a New Category
Go to Social > Click Discussion Board Categories > Click New Category
Category Name and Description tab
In the Category Name and Description tab, give this Category a Parent (if applicable), a Name, Alias, and designate if the Category is Published.
Designate the other settings if applicable.
Category Permissions tab
In the Category Permissions tab, assign which User Group or Access Level among can view the Discussion Boards in this Category.
Category Settings tab
In the Category Settings tab, set various for how Users can interact within the Discussion Boards of this Category.
In the Display Settings tab, designate if this Category is viewable as an option in the User Portal.
Click Save.