Interactive Videos are uploaded videos that can be configured to include embedded interactions, questions, and task
This article outlines the following concepts:
Create a New Activity
Go to Content Creation > click Interactive Content > click New
Select Interactive Video.
Step 1 - Upload/embed video
Give this Interactive Video a Title.
In Step 1 - Upload/embed video, upload the video for this activity.
In the Interactive Video dropdown, add a Title for summaries, a short description, and a Poster Image.
To ensure that video controls remain visible, upload a Poster Image with the same resolution as the video.
In the Text Tracks dropdown, add subtitles in the case of YouTube videos that don't support subtitles.
Step 2 - Add Interactions
In Step 2 - Add interactions, add elements to this video.
Interactions include:
- Label
- Text
- Table
- Link
- Image
- Statement
- Single Choice Set
- Multiple Choice Set
- True/False Questions
- Fill in the Blanks
- Drag and Drop
- Mark the Words
- Drag Text
- Crossroads
- Navigation Hotspot and more
Step 3 - Summary task
In Step 3 - Summary task, add a summary task if applicable.
Additional Settings
Configure additional settings such as Behavior settings to designate how students can interact with this piece of content. Add an expiration date if applicable.
Click Save.