Private Access Only
This feature is currently in Private Access stage and only available upon request from the Tovuti Support Team.
Private Access Features are functional new features that still require some development.
With Invoices, learners can pay for content using offline payments outside the Tovuti system.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Admin Experience
Go to E-commerce > click Offline Payments
A view of all previous invoices is shown (1).
Click Export to CSV (2) to download all previously captured invoices.
Access additional Settings (3), which opens up the sidebar menu.
From the settings sidebar menu, toggle Enable Offline Payments to Yes and set if Events and Courses are purchasable with Purchase Orders.
Segment Offline Payments to Individuals or User Groups.
The Payment Terms determine the dynamic due date when an invoice is generated. The invoice defaults at 30 days but may be generated upon receipt or 60, or 90 days after the receipt is issued.
Click Save.
Bulk Update Status
From the Invoice list view, select items to update and click Batch to update the invoice statuses.
Statuses include:
- Active
- Paid
- Not Paid
- Void
Transaction Reporting
Offline payments are recorded as transactions and included in reports and the sales log.
Learner Experience
Purchase Courses
Learners with access to Offline Payments can choose an Invoice when paying for a Course.
Purchase Events
When enabled, learners can select Invoice when purchasing an Event.
Invoices in the Billing Manager
After purchasing a Course or Event with an Invoice, the Learner is given immediate access to the purchased content.
Users are shown a receipt that includes the invoice number for reference. The transaction is tracked in the user’s Billing Manager.
After clicking Purchase Courses the Learner is given immediate access to the purchased courses.
Users are shown a receipt that includes the invoice number for reference. The transaction is tracked in the user’s Billing Manager.