Lesson Gating is a feature that requires Lessons to be completed in a specific order. When enabled, users don't have access to a Lesson until the previous Lesson is completed. This ensures that users are learning concepts in a predefined order, building on previous content.
Example: Lesson 2 of a Course is "locked" and cannot be accessed until Lesson 1 is completed.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Lesson Gating is either configured globally in Learning Settings.
It is considered best practice to turn on Lesson Gating while all Courses and Lessons are defined, created, and reviewed. This ensures that gating is applied properly to Courses following the admin team's Learning Path. If necessary, Lesson Gating can be turned off afterward in the Content tab of an individual course.
Disabling disengages Lesson Gating, and unless marked otherwise in the individual Course, users can complete Lessons in the order they desire. Setting up Lesson Gating on the Course level is covered in the next section.
Global Lesson Gating Settings
Global Lesson Gating applies an umbrella configuration to all Courses.
Go to Learning > click Settings > stay in the Courses tab
Select to Enable or Disable lesson gating.
Lesson Gating for Individual Courses
Go to Learning > click Courses > select a Lesson or click New
In the Content tab, toggle Use Global Settings, Enable, or Disable for the Lesson Gating field.
Use Global Settings - This option is toggled by default. Whatever is selected within Learning Settings (as described above) is applied to this course.
Enable - Lesson Gating is enabled regardless of what is selected in Learning Settings.
Disable - Lesson Gating is disabled regardless of what is selected in Learning Settings.
The Enable and Disable options are most often used to override Global Settings for the specific Course.
When Lesson Gating is applied to a course, users must complete Lessons in order.
*Use Case: The admin wants all Lessons throughout the LMS to be completed in order, except for one specific Course in which users can learn in whatever order they desire. In this situation, the admin would toggle Enable Lesson Gating in the global Learning Settings, and toggle Disable within the applicable Course.