“Gating” is a tool Administrators use to present new content to Users after they complete certain objectives. Like Gated Course Progression, gating may be applied to Checklists by following the steps below.
This article outlines the following concepts:
Assign Checklists to Unique User Groups
Go to Learning > click Checklists
Create two or more Checklists following the instructions outlined in the Help Center article here.
Each Checklist needs to belong to different User Groups, which is how access to a new Checklist is granted when a previous Checklist is completed.
For example, Checklist A (original) is accessible to users in User Group A. Completing Checklist A moves the user to User Group B, giving them access to Checklist B (new).
In the Assign Users tab of the Checklist editor, select “User Group” for Access Restriction Type, and select the applicable User Group.
Create a Milestone to Link Checklists
Milestones are an Award type that allows Administrators to open new content to users. Milestones are critical when configuring a Gated Course Progression or a gated progression.
Go to Learning > click Awards > click New
In the Requirements tab, select Yes for Requirements Must All Be Achieved.
Click the green “+” icon and recreate each of the items in the (original) Checklist as a requirement for this Milestone.
In the Actions tab, select Yes for Add or Remove User Groups.
In Add User Groups, select the User Group that grants access to the “new” Checklist. In Remove User Groups, select the User Group that grants access to the “original” Checklist.
Click Save.
Upon completing the “original” Checklist, users also earn the Milestone, which then triggers access to the “new” Checklist.