Admins may customize the experience when users take a Quiz. These settings add variation, help support a variety of accreditation use cases, and support learner retention.
This article covers customization in the following areas:
Quiz Settings
The following customization options are available in the Settings tab of the quiz edit view.
Custom Button Text/Icon - select the icon and text that shows up on the “Start Quiz” button
Learner Experience:
Quiz Max Time Allowed - set a time limit that the user has to complete the quiz. When the time limit is reached, submitting answers is locked and any remaining questions are marked incorrect.
Learner Experience:
Required Passing Score - set a minimum score needed to receive a “passing” grade
If Lesson Gating is enabled, requiring a passing score will lock progress to the next Lesson/Course until the quiz is passed.
Learner Experience:
Allow Retries - allow Learners to retake a failed Quiz, or not. Failing a Quiz with no retries left blocks the Learner from completing the Lesson and the Course
Number of Retries - the number of retries allowed. Input zero to allow unlimited tries
Learner Experience:
Allow to Retake Only Incorrect Answers - Give Learners the option to only retake the missed questions and customize the text of the button.
Learner Experience:
Question/Answer Settings
The following customization options are available in the Questions and Answers tab.
Show Correct/Incorrect Feedback- users are shown if their answer is correct/incorrect after clicking Submit
Learner Experience:
Identify Correct Answers - users are shown the correct answer to a question when they submit an incorrect answer
Learner Experience: